Over the past five years, I have addressed this category by providing service to the TAD department, college, BSU campus, and Bemidji community. The following table summarizes these activities.
Student Achievement Conference, Director: 2016 – 2019, Bemidji State University (BSU). Responsibilities: Organize the Achievement Conference including planning and scheduling, assisting in securing a speaker, developing the conference schedule, maintaining a conference budget, encouraging student and faculty participation, and working with a committee of faculty, staff, and students who assist in putting on the conference. Participate in the planning of the State of Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars Conference
Pictures from the conference during the period of 2017-2019
I have surveyed the students and faculty about their satisfaction with the conference N= 61 & 89. The majority are extremely satisfied.
2. The 2017 Spirit of BSU Award: As the director of the 2017 Student Achievement Conference (SAC), I have received the 2017 Spirit of BSU Award on behalf of my team (Student Achievement Conference committee). The conference is one of the university’s most important academic events. The event is designed to guide students to synthesize their study, research and creative abilities and then share those to an audience. The university acknowledged the SAC committee as: "The Student Achievement Conference planning committee, under the direction of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Odeh, significantly raised the bar in all areas with the 2017 Student Achievement Conference, held April 5".
3. Chair of the 2019 work committee of ATMAE Management Division I have been tasked to chair a national committee consists of industry representatives and faculty. We have set up a 5-year plan to improve academia in the filed of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering.
4. Award winner for the 2019 Strengthening Bonds to Industry ATMAE Award: I was given this award by the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) in recognition of my contributions to connect education with the technology, management, and applied engineering industries. I have been involved of developing plans and activities to encourage a better understanding of industry needs and preparing students for their future careers.
5. Accreditation coordinator of the ATMAE accreditation visit TADT programs: I have successfully coordinated the ATMAE accreditation and preparing the self-study report. As a result, the TADT degrees are accredited for the next five years. I’m glad to have such experience of accreditation and writing the self-study report. It impacted me by the ability to coordinate this important visit with several people in the university including the high admins such as president, provost, chair, and faculty.
6. Vice President of education for the Bemidji Toastmasters club: I have served for two years as the VP of education for toastmasters of Bemidji. It has been a very rewarding experience for two reasons: I had the opportunity to serve the Bemidji community. This helped me to know more people from the community and forced me to get out of my regular academic role. The second reason is that I have been working as an academic advisor for these TM professionals to develop learning plans that will guide them to achieve their speaking goals.
7. Chair of the Global Technology Management conference, Summer 2016: I have organized the Global Technology Management Conference during the summer of 2016. The conference is hosted by BSU and sponsored by the Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications. We had about 50 participants from China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, Taiwan, Jordan, USA, Britain, and South Africa.
8. Coordinator of the BAS Applied Management, Operations Management emphasis, and Two certifications program: I have accomplished the following: a- Developed new curriculum by removing the required minor and adding career-related credits. These changes will strengthen the program and improve number of students enrolled in the program and the certificates. Old program is 78 credits vs. new program is 60 crs.
b- Designed the AM stackable degree to allow an easy finish. The following chart summarize this stackable degree.
9. Chair of Faculty Position Hiring Committee: I have served as a Search Committee Chair for a TADT position. We have successfully hired Dr. Choudhry. This is was an exceptional experience as I have seen challenges during this position. Coordinate committee work, meet the university due date, develop the schedule for candidates, and schedule meetings with several people. Transparency, clear communication, sharing information with ALL department members are critical in such position.
10. Associate Editor for: A- The Asian Journal of Economics and Management & B- Business, Management and Economics Research It is a great opportunity for me to look into the peer-reviewed from the journal perspective. This opportunity added a lot to my leadership skills.
11. Editorial advisory board member for: A- The International Journal of Social Sciences & B- International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology – IJMSIT Being on the advisory board for this journal enabled me to provides guidelines to the editorial board to ensure the quality of the journal.
12. Board member for the ATMAE Certifications board: I also have been selected to serve on ATMAE board of certification. I’m proud to be an active member shaping the future of the field by providing a unique event and by being part of the ATMAE national exams. My strong connection with ATMAE will bring benefits for my students by keeping them up to date with current information about their field and by preparing them for national exams.
13. Campus representative and Co-coordinator for Quality Matters (QM) BS: Responsibilities: Planning and managing professional development activities, developing plans to increase the number of QM certified courses, managing a course review, being the institution’s primary point of contact for QM, providing training and workshops for faculty to prepare their courses for QM review, and recruiting internal QM reviewers.
14. Judge for the 2020 MnState Shark Tank: I have proudly served as a judge on the shark tank, which system initiative for providing funds for creative ideas. This is an amazing and unique opportunity. This impacted me by developing the skills needed to judge creative concepts. Working on a system-wide opportunity helped me knowing more people system-wide and improve my professional network, review innovative ideas from other campuses and bring the best ideas to my students and department, and encouraging me to submit a proposal for next year’s funding. Reviewing 10-15 proposals to select the top 4, and award them $15,000- $25,000 each.
15. Coach and Trainer on Six Sigma Black Belt Using Minitab, ATMAE conference 2020: This was a unique opportunities as this workshop is very specialized and not every one can do it. I’m so glad that my workshop selected by the ATMAE 2020 conference committee.
16. Coach and Trainer on Designing Online Courses, ATMAE 2015: This workshop is designed around QM rubric and faculty who attended this hand-on workshop worked with me to help them redesign their courses.
17. Coach and Trainer on Deigning OER course for MN open education resources (OER): I have been invited four times to speak to OER sessions. It is always great to be invited to speak about your experience. I’m so proud that I have been invited not only once but three times to speak about the use of D2L to create modules for an OER course. I have been introduced to several faculty in the MnState system and helped me grew my professional network. Last, I have improved my consultation skills by providing recommendation to my colleagues to develop OER.
18. Coach and trainer Designing high quality Course using D2L Brightspace Templates: This opportunity allowed me to share my techniques for designing the courses using D2L templates. This opportunity is offered to BSU faculty during the BSU today! Conference and for MNState faculty conference.
19. Accreditation team member visiting institutions on behalf of ATMAE accreditation: I have been selected by the ATMAE boar of accreditation to serve as a member of an accreditation team for Moorhead State University , Texas A&M university, Purdue University, and Iowa State University. The accreditation visits were unique and one of them is done online due to COVID 19 situation. Visiting other institutions impact my PDP by looking into best practices in other schools. This is also helpful by looking into the curriculum from an evaluator perspective.
20. Mentor for new BSU faculty: I enjoyed this opportunity as it helped me interact with new faculty and share with them some tips that will help them to succussed in their career. I have participated in this program in year 2019/2020 & 2020/2021.
21. Judge in the 2015 & 2020 Edison Awards: I have served as a judge for the 2015 & 2020 Edison Awards. As a judge, I review 20-30 new products from several industries. These products are not yet in the market or it just been released to the market. It was fun to see a lot of innovative products. Here is the link the winners: https://edisonawards.com/winners2020.php
22. President of ATMAE Distance Learning Division 2013-2015 Responsibilities: monitoring and administering a budget, managing the yearly conference schedule for DL, participating in and leading variety of meetings, inviting industry representatives to be part of the conference, and developing future plans for the division.
23. Member of the Academic Affairs Committee: I have served on this committee from 2017-2020. The major impact that I have made while serving on this committee is developing the pass no credit grading policy during COVID 19 SP 20 semester. I have presented the proposal during the IFO and it has been approved, Other tasks I have been involved with the colleges restructuring.
24. Member on the MnState committee to discuss the possibility of changing the learning management system D2L: I’m serving as a member on the Minnesota State Learning Management System Work Group. I have been selected to serve as the IFO Representatives. This task gave me the opportunity to work with MnState system but from the union IFO perspective. This activity helped me understand the union mindset and strategies. I have learned that leaders should represent their ideas in a way that makes sense and they should start bottom-up. Nothing done was for this activity, we are still in the discussion phase.
25 Member of ATMAE conference planning committee : I have been active with ATMAE since 2011. In the past two years, I have served as a committee member on the ATMAE annual conference 2018, 2019, & 2020. One of the things that I would like to be remembered is serving my field. ATMAE could be the only organization that represents the Industrial Technology Fields. I’m proud to be an active member shaping the future of the field by providing a unique event.
26. Member on the Honors Council: I worked with the honor council for five years. Helped in developing new curriculum and recruit new faculty to serve on the council.
27. Participating in the AAR advising sessions: I have participated in several AAR advising over the past years. This year I participated in the remote advising AAR session. AAR advising is important for transfer and new students to start their semester with good courses. During these sessions, I build a personal relationship from day 1 and telling them more about TADT. This advising session will give students opportunity to ask any question about TADT courses or the degree.
28. Member on the Human Subjects Committee/ IRB: I have been actively serving on this committee since 2012. In fact, this is my favorite committee. During my service, I have reviewed proposals that involve human subject. I also have contributed to the IRB process improvement e.g. moving to the electronic submission (more improvements to come). I have reviewed 36 proposals over the last two years. We meet 2-3 times every semester. I have suggested the idea of going to the electronic submission or IRB proposals.
29. Co-coordinator of the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) (the new exam for IRB). I have maintaining the BSU account for CITI program the new IRB training software
30. Member of the BSU Assessment and HLC accreditation: I have worked over the past two years with Randy Westhoff and the assessment committee to prepare for the HLC visits. I have enjoyed working with this committee as a lot of work has to be done in a short period. My role is to review programs and documentation, make a recommendation or suggestions to the programs, meet with HLC committee explaining the work that we have done as a committee.
31. Coordinator of the HLC/taskstream for the TAD-Technology: Over the past years, I have been the person who oversees and coordinates the taskstream for TADT programs. This is a fun and challenging job at the same time. Everyone is busy but we have to submit assessment reports. The fun part of this is to keep track of important data and indicators that will help programs improve. The challenging part is how to coordinate this work from faculty who are extremely busy.
32.Coordinating the ATMAE Accreditation documentation for the TAD-Technology: In additional to writing the self-study report I have organized the team visits. I’m glad to have such experience of accreditation and writing the self-study report. It impacted me by the ability to coordinate this important visit with several people in the university including the high admins such as president, provost, chair, and faculty.
33. Coordinator of the TADT Class Schedules: I work with TADT faculty to setup the class schedule.
34. Participating in the community Appreciation Day: The Community Appreciation Day is important to show the community some work done by TAD. I have been part of this activity since 2012. This impact my PDP by coordinating the efforts of TAD faculty to showcase some TAD work and meeting with community members to introduce them to TAD
35. Judge for the Northern Minnesota Regional Science Fair: This opportunity helped me support the community and the region by being part of the science fair. I meet with school students who are creative and smart.
36. Department rep for BSU Career Expo: During these events. I talk to prospective students about TAD majors. I enjoy talking to them and explain what we do in TAD.
37. Member of the Professional Improvement Committee: I have active member of this committee for the 2019/2020, reviewing applications for BSU Professional Improvement grants. I attend two working meetings per semester to review the 50-90 applications and distribute more than $50,000 based on the importance of proposals.
38. Member of the department Scholarship committee: I served on this committee to support TADT students and offer scholarships for those who are making impacts in their fields. I have attended three working meetings per semester to review applications from 33 TADT students and give out $32,000. This helped me build a stronger relationships with students and better understand their situations and personal life.
39. Member of several COVID 19 emergency committees/ workgroups: COVID-19 pandemic affected all of us. Faculty were required to switch overnight to “emergency remote” (fully online education) as a safe option for students and faculty when everything was shut down. During this challenging time, some work has to be done to remove difficulties and ensure student success. Here are a list of these committees:
Advising committee
Computer lab committee
Grade policy committee
Department training
40. Work on articulation agreements and arraging for visits: I have worked with Mr. Dan Voss on arranging Pine Tech. Bus trip to BSU. I arranged for industrial visit for a local company, met with Pine Tech students and faculty, and I have made a presentation on the AM program
41. Serving as a judge for BSU elevator speech: I have served as one of the judges for the elevator speech as BSU during the student achievement conference. I have introduced this new activity to the student achievement conference in 2017 and I have participated in this activity as a judge. In 2019, I have facilitated the contest by inviting Toastmasters international to be the judges for the competition.
42. Help with organizing MAD day: I have participated in organizing a workshop for the MAD day. I have been on the Lakeland TV and have been interviewed with the local newspaper.
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